Getting Started

Turning your existing documentation into Interactive Manuals is easier than you think.

Converting your current technical manuals into Interactive Manuals is easy and affordable, thanks to our proven conversion process. Our approach not only gives you the ability to create Interactive Manuals, but it streamlines your full technical documentation process. This approach has many added benefits that your current process is simply not capable of, and results in automating a lot of your current process and reducing the turnaround times so that you can get updated documentation to the field faster.

Our streamlined process takes existing technical documentation from the Canadian military, and converts it into XML (using the S1000D specification). This allows technical documentation to be published into multiple formats from one single source — including PDFs, Interactive Manuals, and more. And since we have worked with so many DND publications, our process already takes into consideration the challenges that are unique to the Department of National Defence. Things like bilingualism, controlled goods, DND formatting specifications, and much more.

Contact us to learn more about Interactive Manuals and the XML/S1000D conversion process, or to request a full specification list of the Interactive Manual functionality.